There are a myriad of problems that can arise from missing teeth. Mental health issues from a lowered self-esteem or even nutritional impacts due to difficulty chewing and eating can greatly impact your quality of life. Dental implants are an increasingly popular way to restore your smile and bite back to full function. Corbin Dental is proud to offer this great service to our community, right here at home in Franklin.
What is the process like?
Dental implants are used as replacements for missing teeth. Your dentist places a medical-grade biocompatible titanium implant, which resembles a screw. In some cases, a ceramic implant may be used if the patient has a metal allergy. Following a healing period, the implant is ready to restore any teeth are attached. Implants can be used as a sturdy base for either removable dentures (full or partial) or permanent teeth that are fixed to the implant. The fully restored implant looks and acts like a tooth.
What are the benefits?
Three of the main benefits of dental implants include: improving nutritional health by allowing you to chew better, improving self-confidence, and preventing long-term irreversible damage to otherwise healthy teeth.
When you have missing teeth, it can be difficult to chew and digest food properly. it's easy to feel bad about your appearance and not smile as often, which can give off the wrong impression. Dental implants offer the best long-term solution for tooth replacement and provide the same function as the teeth they replace. Dental implants restore your smile and bite and give you back the confidence you may have lost. Missing teeth and traditional dentures can cause irregularities in speech patterns and may cause you to mumble or stutter over your words. Because dental implants are secure in your jaw, you don’t have to worry about stumbling over your words because of slipping or missing teeth. A missing tooth can lead to deterioration of the jawbone and other health issues. Placement of dental implants prevents the shifting of teeth when one is missing. Implants can help you look and feel great and restore your smile and bite with a long-lasting solution.
If you’d like to be confident in your smile again, set up an appointment with Corbin Dental today.
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